JALITE photo-luminescent materials are made of top-quality materials which guarantee their non-combustibility, non-toxicity, as well as the best qualities against aging and, furthermore, they do not require any maintenance.

JALITE photo-luminescent products are made of 3, evenly distributed layers over the entire surface according to UNE 23035 (base coating, photo-luminescent coating and protective UV coating), and with the best technical characteristics to offer photo-luminescent results well above the required legal minimum.

We use the following materials for our products:
  • PVC
  • Aluminium
  • Steel
  • Vinyl
  • Paint
Upon request, we offer other materials such as ceramics, glass, carpets or textiles.


JALITE photo-luminescent PVC is the most common material used for signs and signage and evacuation plans. It is mainly used in all building types.

It is applicable to any surface and may be used for all signage types, skirting board signs and signage, street lines, steps, fences of opening mechanisms, frames of emergency intervention equipment, obstacles and plans.

JALITE photo-luminescent PVC accepts all kinds of printing colours and can be used on the backgrounds of different finishes, although the most commonly used materials are methacrylates, aluminium types and steel, customised solutions can be offered upon customer request.


JALITE photo-luminescent aluminium is a highly resistant material used for signs and signage and evacuation plans. It is particularly recommended where PVC is not able to withstand excessive wear.

Photo-luminescent aluminium can be used for all types of printing and anti-skidding or protective finishes. Luminance levels are higher than those offered by PVC.


JALITE photo-luminescent steel is the most resistant material within the photo-luminescent product range. It is ideal for extreme conditions, such as flooring in heavily transited areas, platforms, corridors, tunnels and exposed environments.

It offers unbeatable resistance in any environment type and because of its special treatment, it comfortably meets expectations and guarantees for its intended purpose.

Likewise, its luminescence is the highest available on the market, and is lit up under very low light level conditions.

It offers printing of all kinds, anti-skidding or finishes of varying hardness levels and great resistance to wear, much higher than that of aluminium.

It may be used for all signage products, signs and signage and evacuation plans; although passable signs and signage in heavily transited areas deserve special distinction.

JALITE JALITE steel signs and signage plates hold the AENOR N seal.


JALITE high-resistance photo-luminescent vinyl may be used for all types of signs and signage and evacuation plans on any surface.

It is manufactured with different light intensities to be used for floors, walls and other horizontal or vertical ornaments. It is particularly recommended for LED backlit signs.

It offers high-performance and durability and comes in smooth, rough, or anti-skidding finishes as well as printing of all kinds.


JALITE paints is a complementary product line to signs and signage and flooring, available in different ranges: acrylic, synthetic, epoxy, quick dry, for outdoor and high luminescence requirements.

It is especially recommended for large surfaces, and can be produced in reflective and anti-skidding finishes. Likewise, several colours can be combined to display pictograms and texts of all kinds.